Sunday, March 2, 2008

Raison D'Etre - Dogfish Head Craft Brewery - Milton, DE

Raison D'Etre Stats
Alcohol by volume: 8%
Fluid ounces: 12
Number I could drink before becoming a social embarrassment: 3
If I were civilized, I would drink this with: T-bone steak
What I actually drank this with: Leftover cheesecake

Fact: Raison D'Etre is a French phrase which means "reason for being". While, to me, this beer is not my reason for being, it's not a bad little brew. It's a Belgian-style ale brewed by Dogfish Head, and according to the bottle, I should be tasting beet sugars and raisins. Well, my palette must not be sophisticated enough, because I tasted beer.

I'll give it an A-, because it was nice to drink, but it gave me a headache, because its fruity flavor encouraged me to drink it too fast.

Dogfish Head

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